
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treats.. Costume Parties.. Reunion.. Going to Cemetery.. and others - this things are normally what people do during Halloween season.

But for me.. I'll just go to church (Loreto church) tomorrow to visit my lola. Today, I just stay at home. Yaya for today to bea (super duper kulit grabe).. watched the 500 days of summer and play cafe world :) .

Happy Halloween! Happy All Saints Day and Happy All souls Day!

500 days of summer

I just watched the movie 500 days of summer. Very cute movie.. and very true..

One of the memorable line is that Rachell (Tom's sister) said to him.. "Tom, I know you think she was the one, but I don't. Next time you look back, I think you should look again." - I think sometimes; we don't see the real thing, when we look back; we just remember the good times and forget the bad times. We couldn't see that there is really a problem. We always think that we are okay. It is good for awhile.. but i don't think it would be good for a person who wants to move on.

another line is when summer and tom is talking at the park (2nd to the last scene) - When summer told tom, " It was meant to be.. and I just keep thinking.. Tom is right.. It just wasn't me that you weren't right about." -- Reality really bites; but if that could makes us happy. We need to face the reality.
